Camp Woodlee
273 Clendenon Ln
McMinnville, TN 37110
(931) 692-3695
The address for Camp Woodlee is 273 Clendenon Ln, McMinnville, TN 37110 and the kitchen phone is (931) 692-3695. Cell service is very limited. Google Maps or Mapquest may try to bring you in through a four-wheeler trail. The proper way is to come to Irving College then turn off Hwy 56 (Beersheba Hwy) onto Hills Creek Road. Once you cross the bridge over Hills Creek, turn right onto Camp Woodlee Road, which brings you to the camp.
Directions to Camp Woodlee from Irving College, TN
Head East on Hills Creek Road and drive 2.3miles
Turn RIGHT onto Camp Woodlee Road and drive 1.6miles to Caretaker’s Home and Camp Woodlee entrance at 273 Clendenon Lane.